About Us
The mission of the Rice Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is to assist land users in the management and conservation of our soil and water resources by means of educational, financial, and technical assistance.
The Rice SWCD is a subdivision of state government. It is overseen by a five-member board of supervisors elected countywide to represent the soil and water conservation needs of the county.
Soil and Water Conservation Districts were set up by Congress starting in the 1930’s all over the country after the Dust Bowl. The Rice SWCD was formed in 1942 to address soil erosion on the county’s farmland. Since its inception, we have been providing technical and financial support to Rice County residents for a wide variety of conservation practices.
Today, Rice SWCD staff work cooperatively with rural and urban landowners to prevent soil erosion, protect wetlands, plant trees, and restore native prairie habitat.
Here’s an Arc Story Map Journal about the district:
Get In Touch
Call: (507) 332-5408